So much for a restful saturday...
I woke up to an empty table, not feeling very domestic today (READ: TAMAD), The food I had set aside for my lunch today was gone. Apparently, the maid thought it would be jollier for her to make it HER lunch... A fight ensues between the mother and the son...
I kinda like this one guy... he's cute, dashing (READ:HOT) intelligent (ata).. but he seems to have no penchant for constant communication... I'm giving him a week then it's off to bye bye land for him. Kunsabagay we met in the most unconventional of ways...
I digress..
I kinda like this doctor guy from the gym. He was a model. period.
I can't wait to start my muay thai training and dance... but considering that I have an event on tuesday, and how my day started, I'm thinking of skipping it... lest I want to have another injury episode at Makati Med.
I have a dance event on tuesday, which I had prepared all agog for... Tickets, Half day VL... and not to mention suits all packed since last saturday (gotta be hot!)
I think I just overcharged my cards again... damn you Zara! and your little dog too..
I hate my mom's maid. period. I shall banish her to the hells of flame for all eternity.
I'm due for a brow grooming. (A unibrow doesn't go well with me)
I hope cutie doc's at the gym later... hehehe