Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Anatomy of the Jade... and the Player

Ever wondered why players play with others? or why jaded are always that...jaded.. they just date around but never was to commit?

In my claim, the Jade, the Hopeless Romantics and the Players all come in full circle. One transforms to the other, all in once full circle.

See, it goes like this.

Three things on a hopeless romantic gay guy's list:
1. A castle (Neo-medieval)
2. A Handsome Prince
3. Happily Ever After

Then again, anyone who'd wish for these and seriously (READ:DEAD SERIOUS) considering having these in their lives... are nonetheless called NAIVE


being the naivette that they are, these "haplings" would soon lose the little ray of sunshine hope that they have over these romanticisms and fairy tale fantasies... that is when they get in on relationships.

You see, hopeless gullib.. er.. romantics are often "engrossed" (READ: BLIND) in their relationships that they would either a. jump into a relationship as soon as they see someone who loves them b. think that the one they have now is the one for keeps and c. make every effort to make that relationship work. So much emotions are invested in this that most, if not, at every opportunity, this is taken advantaged by no other than the hapless saps who usually play the game.

On the other hand, Players, are the often, jaded people who have "realized" (Concluded) that love, in this neo-societal world of PLU is nothing more than just socials, sex and games. They often prey on the young, the handsome, the rich (hmm) and "play and prounce" around until they find a better ship to jump into. Why? because they've learned well enough from reason and experience that love is BUT a game. period.

Put them all together and we come up with this:

Hopeless Romantic (HR) + Player (P) = Relationship (True love.. ech.. for HR)

P + New Guy = - HR (A very heart broken HR)

and the cycle goes on and on (With roles interchanging.. case to case)

HR then goes around and does it again and again... until it's enough for him to throw away his romanticisms and fairy tale fallacies... to which his transformation to a jade becomes complete.

He then has a choice..

to become jaded,

to stay a hopeless romantic, albeit guarded

or to become a player..

such is the anatomy of the jade.. and the player.

But then, a jade or a player, meets his supposedly "better half"

he then starts to buckle down, gets serious, stops dating and sleeping around, transforms into this "Olympian God-like" creature for their significant other. They often discords their past, telling everyone that they are "ready to settle" (READ: gasgas) and are tired of playing around (READ AGAIN: Yeah right). So much so that their emotions are in place that we can only hope Tita Carmi Martin doesn't come knockin on their door..

Then it all goes down to that equation... again..

it all just comes in full circle *sigh*

pictures came from here and here

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